Science shows that a healthy daily routine is fantastic for the body and mind. What are some things you can do to have a healthy daily routine? Let’s take a look at some things you can have on your daily routine chart.
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Daily Routine Chart – Exercise
Regular exercise is one of the most important parts of a healthy daily routine to lose weight. Exercise improves your body, mood, energy levels, and feelings of well-being. And you don’t have to run 10 miles per day; even a few minutes of getting your heart pumping has benefits!
For instance, try taking a 15-minute walk in the morning or jogging for 10 minutes. If you do not have the time for an hour workout during the week, just getting a few minutes of cardio helps. Also, work out with friends and family to make it more fun and social.
Healthy Foods
Eating foods that are good for you is essential for good mental and physical health. Eating nutritious foods will improve energy, well-being, and mood.
Some foods you should add to your daily diet for a good daily routine are fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and healthy fats. These foods are great for you and taste good. You don’t have to reinvent your diet overnight either. Just add a healthy food or two to your daily eating plan.
In addition to eating good foods, get plenty of water. Drinking water increases energy, digestion, and the health of your skin. You should get at least eight glasses of water per day. If you don’t drink enough water, carry a bottle of water with you to swig during your day.
Get Rest
Getting sufficient sleep is vital to good health. Most adults need at least seven hours of sleep per night for ideal health. But many people don’t get enough sleep these days because of their cell phones, Netflix, and other distractions.
It’s smart to shut off the TV and phone at least an hour before bed and unwind and relax.
Take Walks In Nature
Getting outside among the trees, sun, and fresh air can be a huge physical and mental boost. These jaunts also can help to lower stress and boost mental health. Some benefits of going for regular nature walks are:
- Lower stress
- Better mood
- Enhanced mental clarity
- Better focus on tasks
- Fresh air invigorates the mind and body
- Better sleep
Eat In A Chair
When you are ready to eat a meal, have a seat. Sitting down to eat ensures you are not wolfing down food mindlessly in front of the fridge. Also, sitting down is better for your digestion. It will also force you to slow down and chew what you eat.
If you discover you regularly eat standing up around the house, make a rule that you always have to sit down when you eat.
Taking the time to learn how to cook is one of the best habits you can start for mental and physical health. Cooking may be thought of as a chore. But it is really an essential skill that provides you with the food you need to live.
Cooking for yourself controls the quality and quantity of the food you consume. It also boosts how much you appreciate the food you eat. If you just reheat last week’s dinner or order takeout every night, it is harder to be mindful of what you eat.
Put Away The Phone
Cell phones and tablets have many benefits. But being online 24/7 has negative health effects. It is estimated that most Americans have at least eight accounts on social media. They spend over two hours per day checking their phones.
Imagine if you spent that time doing something productive, such as exercising, meeting with friends, or learning a new skill. The constant digital link to the world can boost the amount of stress in your day. Also, being exposed to blue light all the time can reduce the production of melatonin, interrupting sleep.
Clean Up The Kitchen Every Night
Many are unaware of it, but our space greatly affects our behavior. If your kitchen, bedroom, and living room are messy, it can affect your health and mental state. Tidying up everything makes it easier to go about our day. It also reduces frustration, boosts efficiency, and can encourage us to make other changes.
After every meal, try to clean up the kitchen and put all the dishes away. Hitting the sack with the kitchen clean lets you wake up in the morning with a fresh start. You don’t have to worry about cleaning up the mess from the night before.
Keep these tips in mind for your daily routine to improve your mental and physical health. You do not need to do all these things simultaneously, either. Just try to add one or two of these weekly items for the best results. And don’t forget to read our next post about a daily routine to lose weight!