While most people are still sleeping my morning consist of driving down the street to get my morning coffee. Pull up to a little local spot with a nice blue roof. Always greeted by very enthusiastic young lady. “Medium coffe with this much milk” I hold my fingers about and inch apart.
The first sip is always the best. Instant great taste and eye pop open, allowing my mind to kick start and then the day gets started. Sharp left turn, then right turn, left turn on the the 5 south, Baja Mexico “here I com”. By the time I hit the 805 split half of the great tasting coffee is done, and the music from my radio changes from Reggae to some Modern Rock. Freeway sign says 34 minutes until the border. Another country here I come.
I hit the border line and there are about 6 stin front of me. I think for a minute please give me a green light, I don’t feel like stopping. Green means GO! Stay to the right, swing around the on ramp, now I am parrallel to the border. People are stirring all over the place. A lot of them are dreaming about the other side of the fence. So close, but so far. Coming up the hill I get the first sign of the beach. There are waves for sure.
1o minutes later I pull over at Baja Malibu, there are some bombs coming through and a couple tow ins going at it. Guy gets swung in, flying down the line, a couple of pumps, three second barrel… Huge turn, over the back. In comes jetski picks him up. I am out of here. Got to get to my destination and unload my possessions.