Human Foods Dogs Can Eat

Human Foods Dogs Can Eat

People who love dogs are usually kind people and want to do things for their pups that they enjoy. That’s why many of us like to share food with our dogs. After all, they usually love to eat what we eat, and we want to make them happy.

Which human foods can dogs eat? Below are some of dogs’ favorite human food treats.

Whatever you decide to feed your dog in addition to their regular food, just remember that moderation is the key.

20 human foods dogs can eat

20 human foods dogs can eat

Apple Slices

Apples have a lot of minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. They also have a lot of fiber and are good for the dog’s digestive system. However, cut the apple into slices and do not give them the entire apple. You also should not give the seeds, pits, or stems.


Blueberries are one of the healthiest treats for your dog. They are full of antioxidants, vitamins, phytochemicals, fiber, and minerals. Blueberries also are low in calories and are great for training because of their small size. You also can freeze blueberries and give them to your dog.


Raw and cooked carrots are healthy and safe for a dog to eat. Carrots give your dog more vitamin A, fiber, and beta-carotene. Carrots are also slightly sweet and low in calories, so many dogs like them. They make a fine treat for a chunky dog, too.


Dogs can usually eat cheese in small amounts unless they are lactose intolerant. However many types of cheese are high in calories and fat that can make your pup obese. So, choose low-fat types such as cottage cheese or mozzarella.


You can put chicken in your dog’s dish with their regular food to provide more protein and variety. However, be sure the chicken does not contain seasonings, marinades, or sauces. Also, take the chicken off the bone; chicken bones can lodge in a dog’s throat or digestive system. You can also give the dog duck, lamb, and pork. But avoid processed meats such as Vienna sausages, bacon, or pepperoni.


Coconut is fine for dogs. This fruit contains high levels of lauric acid, which help the dog to fight viruses and bacteria. It also can prevent bad breath and eliminate minor skin issues including flea allergies, itchy skin and hot spots. You can give your dog small amounts of coconut oil and coconut milk.


If you like pineapple, it is fine to give your dog a few pieces sometimes. They are sweet and delicious and contain fiber, minerals, and vitamins.


Spinach has a lot of antioxidants, vitamin K, and iron. That is why it is such a healthy vegetable for people. It also is good for your dog because it improves its immune system and energy.

Chicken Broth

It is not only the meat in chicken that is healthy for your dog. Bone broth from chicken can help your dog’s stomach. However, use caution when it comes to chicken bones. Chicken bones are easy for pooches to break and they can lodge in their stomach or intestines.


Eggs are fine for dogs as an occasional treat when they are completely cooked. Cooked eggs are a good source of protein and may prevent an upset stomach. But if you give the dog raw egg whites, this can cause a biotin deficiency. Be sure to cook eggs for your dog completely before feeding them.

Green Beans

Green beans are everything you want in a treat for your dog. They have a lot of fiber, fatty acids, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, iron, and calcium. They are so healthy for your dog that you can make green beans part of their regular diet. However, make sure they are plain with no seasoning or salt. Feed your dog green beans raw, frozen, or cooked.


Yes, dogs can have small amounts of milk, but be careful. Many pooches are allergic to milk and cheese and will not digest lactose well. It is ok to give your dog milk occasionally, but watch for signs of an upset stomach.


Asparagus is a treat with a lot of fiber and is good for your dog’s digestive system. It is best cooked because the raw form can be hard to digest.


If your dog does not have trouble with grains, giving your dog plain, cooked oatmeal on their food is a good option from time to time. Oatmeal contains healthy amounts of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Oatmeal is also easy to digest, so you can give it to your dog with an upset stomach. However, be sure to cook the oatmeal fully and do not put sugar or salt. Another option is to add a few strawberries or blueberries, which are other healthy, tasty treats for your pooch.

Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is a healthy treat for dogs once in a while. It is a good source of protein, and vitamins B and E. It is best to give him raw and unsalted peanut butter. Also, do not give the dog too much because of the calories. Peanut butter is often a good option for giving your dog pills.


Pumpkin is a healthy sweet treat once or twice a week. It contains high amounts of vitamin A and fiber. Also, consider canned or fresh, cooked pumpkin without added sugars or spices if your dog has a sensitive stomach. Pumpkin also can be fed to your dog when they have an upset stomach or are not eating their regular food for some reason.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are another option you can give your dog regularly. They are full of fiber, vitamins B-6 and C, and beta-carotene. Consider adding sweet potatoes to his regular food or give them as a treat.


Many people might think only cats like fish, but many dogs do, too. Salmon is healthy for dogs because it is high in protein, healthy fats, and amino acids. It also improves joints, brain health, and is good for the immune system. But remember that undercooked salmon has parasites that can make your dog ill. So, be sure the salmon is cooked all the way through.


Shrimp is fine for your dog. A few shrimp once in a while is a healthy snack. But be sure they are fully cooked and the shell has been removed.


Yogurt is fine to give your pup. Plain yogurt can be regularly added to your dog’s food for extra protein. But remember that some dogs have difficulty digesting yogurt, milk, and cheese. If your pup can digest yogurt, it can improve its digestive system by adding probiotics.


Watermelon is a healthy, water-laden option for your dog. It is low in calories, sweet, and full of vitamin A, C, and B6. You can give your dog watermelon on a hot day, so they get enough water.

However, you should not feed the rind to your dog. Also, consider freezing a few watermelon cubes for your dog to munch on.

What Human Foods Can Dogs Not Eat

What Human Foods Can Dogs Not Eat?

Now that we have covered foods that your dog can eat, let’s look at foods you should never give your pup:


This is too bad because chocolate is so tasty. But dogs should not eat it in any amount. Dogs cannot metabolize theobromine and caffeine in chocolate. If your dog eats it, he could suffer diarrhea, vomiting, and dehydration. Usually, if the dog eats a small piece of chocolate off the counter, it is probably ok. But if he eats a large amount, take him to your emergency vet immediately.


Onions are unhealthy for dogs because of a toxic compound that can harm his red blood cells. It makes them less effective in processing oxygen and can lead to anemia.

Raisins and Grapes

Raisins and grapes have toxic compounds that may cause kidney failure and death. Even eating a small amount of raisins and grapes can cause problems for your dog. Take your dog to the ER if he has tremors, vomiting, lethargy, and dehydration.


Nutmeg has a toxin called myristicin. Your dog would need to eat a lot of this spice to endanger their health. But getting too much nutmeg could cause dry mouth, stomach issues, seizures, high heart rate, and disorientation.

Macadamia Nuts

These contain toxins for dogs that can lead to hyperthermia, vomiting, muscle weakness, and tremors.

Tea and Coffee

Dogs do not do well when they have caffeine. So, they should not consume tea bags or coffee grounds. Caffeine affects the dog’s nervous system and can increase its heart rate. It also can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, and tremors.

Top 10 Human Foods Dogs Can Eat


What are the top 10 human foods dogs can eat?

Here is list of human foods dogs can eat:

  • Cooked, Unseasoned Chicken, Turkey, or Beef
  • Cooked, Unseasoned Fish
  • Cooked, Unseasoned Eggs
  • Cooked Pumpkin
  • Cooked Green Beans
  • Cooked Carrot
  • Cooked Spinach
  • Sliced Apples – In Moderation
  • Bananas – In Moderation
  • Cooked Oatmeal

Can I give my dog scrambled eggs?

Eggs are nutritious for both people and dogs. They can be enjoyed as tasty treats or a hearty breakfast, whether hard-boiled, poached, scrambled, or over easy.

A cooked whole egg or yolk can be beneficial for your dog unless your pet has a pre-existing health condition like acute pancreatitis or diabetes.

Now that you know human foods that your dog can and cannot eat, you know what to give your dog for a treat once in a while. However, your dog’s regular food usually provides all of the nutrition they need.

Also, remember not to give more than 10% of their daily calorie needs to human food or they could become overweight.

Is peanut butter good for dogs?

Dogs can eat—and many truly enjoy—peanut butter. However, be cautious, as some peanut butter brands contain xylitol, a toxic ingredient for dogs. Even small amounts of xylitol can be fatal. This artificial sweetener is commonly used in foods to keep them sugar-free.

In Summary

Now that you know human foods that your dog can and cannot eat, you know what to give your dog for a treat once in a while.

However, your dog’s regular food usually provides all of the nutrition they need. Also, remember not to give more than 10% of their daily calorie needs to human food or they could become overweight. 

